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IRE saves our staff lots of time in arranging appointments and gives our customers instant service 24 hours a day

Love this program, it makes life easy, viewings a breeze, and it also ensures we never miss a lead or a rental enquiry. Brilliant.

Probably the best software tool ever created for property managers. The amount of time that this will give back to your team is invaluable. I would recommend every property management business to use IRE.

Amazing software really takes the stress out of booking inspections

Inspect Real Estate has been a game changer in our business. It has taken control of the way our large property management office captures tenant enquiries, totally organises our inspection schedules, and acts as the conduit to fully communicate the process to both our customers and our entire team. Not only that, our property owners enjoy the benefit of receiving very detailed weekly inspection reports and being included in the process. It’s nearly three years since we embraced IRE, and it has been an impressive marriage on so many levels.

Such an amazing product, i can’t imagine leasing properties without it. Support is also great and they are constantly improving and developing new features. Anyone in real estate should check this out.

Time saving, less email traffic, fewer days vacant & days on market, mobile app is great for opens and reports are fantastic – LOVE IT