Our property Management team have currently been using InspectRealEstate since March 2015 within the last 2 months we have been blown away with the success of this program! When we first implemented the program we had 39 active listings & are currently down to 11 active listings. We now only need to open new business on weekends and have one staff member rostered rather than 20+ opens with 2 staff members rostered on. By having only one staff member working on a Saturday, less time in lieu is needed which has increased our Property Management teams productivity.
Some of the best benefits of the program; tenants are able to choose inspection times that are suitable for their needs rather than the agents, sending mobile reports for Landlords after open for inspections & being able to have a contactable tenant database for our properties.
InspectRealEstate has been a very user friendly program and has defiantly made life easier for us as property managers. By having a mobile app compatible with smart phones we are able to access it out at the open for inspections and send out reports to landlords without having to wait to head back to our computers at the office.
Being able to send reports by InspectRealEstate to Landlords is a professional and informative form of contact from us as property managers – it puts landlords at ease straight after the open for inspections to see how many prospective tenants attended and their thoughts before the agents follow up with a phone call. Our Team could elaborate all day on how beneficial this program and app has been and we keep learning more exciting things we can do with it every day.