Why You Should Update Your Voice Mail Everyday

Why is voice mail so important? Because property managers & leasing agents spend so much time out of the office.
By updating your voice mail (both mobile and landline) every day, you send a strong message to the caller that you are switched on, customer-focused and extremely professional.

Updating your voice mail recording every day will be the easiest job you will do all day. It only takes a couple of minutes and can bring you enormous benefits.

You customise your messages to suit your personality, role and work commitments, but each day, the message should include five key elements:

1. Your name

2. The day and date

3. The reason why you are out of the office or why calls are going through to voice mail.

4. The time you expect to complete your task/s.

5. How to book an inspection on a property for rent.

6. A firm commitment to return the call on the same day.

To make it easy for you to implement this idea, we have included the following script to help you.

“Hello, you have reached the voice mail of Andrew.”
“Thank you very much for your call.”
“Today is Friday, the 21st of June, 2021.”
“I’m out conducting inspections today until 2 pm.”
“ If you would like to book inspection one of our properties for rent – please go to www.yourwebiste.com.au & click the book inspection button.”
“Please leave your name and number and I will return your call at that time.”
“Thanks for calling – goodbye.”