Entries by Marketing Reapit

Changes to Application Information & Documents in the Northern Territory

The state government in the Northern Territory have updated rental laws, pertaining to approved application information and documents. The 2Apply Team is experienced with regulatory changes. InspectRealEstate and Reapit, together with our strong product, legal, and development teams, are working together to ensure compliance with this new legislation. Please find below a detailed overview of […]

How to Verify Tenant Information with Confidence

Tenant applications only tell part of the story. While an application gives you basic details, how do you really know if a tenant is reliable? That’s where proper verification comes in. With the right screening steps, you can ensure you’re choosing tenants who will pay rent on time, take care of the property, and follow […]

Streamline your Applications Process with Comprehensive Checks

At our Global Reapit Product Release event in late 2024, Elevate ’24, we unveiled exciting updates to help your simplify your tenant applications workflows. Among these were two powerful ways to complete Tenant Checks directly within InspectRealEstate: Essential and Comprehensive Checks. A few weeks ago, we introduced Essential Checks, designed to provide a quick identity […]

Exploring Alternatives to Tenant Checks and ID Verification

Tenant checks and ID verification are non-negotiable in property management. But let’s be honest – the traditional approach can feel slow and, at times, costly. Today, there are digital platforms designed to simplify this process, making tenant verification more efficient without sacrificing security. Let’s cover the top alternatives in digital ID verification, diving into benefits […]

Changes to our Data Retention Policy

As the rental landscape continues to evolve in Australia, staying compliant with new and changing data retention laws is more important than ever. Here at InspectRealEstate, we understand that navigating these regulations can be challenging for real estate professionals managing vast amounts of applicant data. To help you stay in line with new state regulations, […]

Our Response to Legislation Changes in South Australia

As you may be aware, the South Australia Government has made several changes to laws regarding renters, which took effect on 1 July 2024, with a grace period until 2 August 2024. This grace period is crucial as it provides additional time for businesses like yours to adapt to the new regulations without immediate pressure. […]